Sunday, November 25, 2012

Einstein's Dreams

This book, for me can be considered as one of the best modern-day classics. The book was all about Albert Einstein's recurring dreams about the different manifestations of Time. The dreams were all unique and mystical but on a closer look, some dreams were based on our real world and what was really happening to us although it may sound completely out of the ordinary with Lightman's words. Each dreams are reality to us. So to those who wants to read this (And I do encourage you to read this), take a break from reading after each dreams and you will see the similarity of our world with those extraordinary dreams.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Necessary Pain

I don't want to LOVE you anymore.

I want to STOP it now.

Because I know that if I continue loving you, I'll end up being hurt badly. But then, I know that it's too late to stop myself. Who can blame me for loving you when all my life you kept me by your side? You greedily claimed me as your own and I don't have the guts to tell them otherwise.

It's not that I don't have the guts. It is because I want you to own me. I want you to greedily swallow my whole being all by yourself.

You knew that I'm a fake person, you saw right through me. You told me that I can be who I am when I am with you and I gladly accepted the offer, and true to your words, you made me the greatest person when I'm with you, you made me helplessly in love with you. Those hugs and kisses that felt so wonderful and the sweet nothings you whispered to my ears every night, I foolishly believed that they were really meant for me.

Then suddenly you shifted your gaze to her. You smiled and made your way to her.

How I wished god gave me the courage to stop you, then maybe you'll never change.

You started to ignore me and spend your time with her, that bitch flirted with you knowingly that you belonged to me...

or so I thought that you belong to me.

You never once told me those three little words that could have assured my position right now. How would I know that you love me back? What if you love her now, what do you plan to do with me? Do you know that I'd die without you?

my cheeks are stained with tears when you walked in the room with her, you looked at me and sternly said.

"stop crying."

And alas, I did.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Overexposed Manila Concert

"Your body rocking, keep me up all night
One in a million
My lucky strike."

Damn, This September 18, 2012 was like one of the happiest days of my life! The currently "overexposed" band, Maroon 5 held their concert in Manila last night at the Smart-Araneta Coliseum wherein the crowd-getter managed to fill up the dome jammed packed with 15,000 fans in that one-night concert. 

I was never the socialite to go to concerts thoughtlessly but I could never miss the chance to see Adam Levine just like that. With half-assed efforts and dared challenges my friend (who coincidentally lives with us right now, Eunice) and I decided to buy tickets, unfortunately though we only got the farthest seat, because the tickets were already sold out way back in early July! (And we don't have that much money, anyway)

Flash forward to the actual night? Sure! 

The concert was supposed to start at 8:00 pm but we decided to go early for us being in the farthest and the most chaotic position, we definitely need to secure a good place. So yeah, we arrived at around 5 pm and there were already quite a lot of people. They were selling Maroon 5's album, overexposed with a free poster but I thought I could always buy that in the record stores, so I ended up buying their second album, It Won't Be Soon Before Long (CD+DVD) which I rarely--or don't see in record bars anymore. 

Heavens! I was able to secure a poster! :D

So just to kill time we took some pictures just for the sake of having some.

That's my friend, Eunice 

With my mom! 


Things got worse when people started to rush in. There was a little problem in the management. They failed to remind the people properly that this and that and such are not allowed whatsoever and that this and that should be left here and there and that you should line up here and not there and the INVISIBLE "ISAW" LINE that irked a lot of people. 

The problem arrived when the bag inspection came, the SLR camera and umbrella wasn't allowed inside so my friend had to line up again on the baggage counter which looked like a war place to me. They were all irritated and all. I patiently waited for my friend after the lady scanned my ticket and let me in.

Apologies for my incapable printer!

But lots of minutes passed and throngs of people arrived but my friend remained out of  sight. I know I should wait for her like a good friend but it looked like she wouldn't emerged for quite some time so I rushed to the dome and asked a couple politely if they could pretty please reserve the seats beside them for us and explained the horrible thing that happened to my friend. Good thing they agreed! Bless those people! After that I went back to the entrance to wait for Eunice, but the place looked awful..definitely a war zone..with people dressed nicely.

After a long time I finally saw her and she looked exhausted. We went to our place and soon her sour mood changed when the atmosphere of the concert ground sink in. When we arrived our place was almost full but the VIP place were still empty. While waiting we started goofing around and taking pictures. 


Finally at around 8:15 the lights dimmed and The Cab appeared as the opening act! God they were so cool! I'm not that much of a fan before but they do have good songs to boot their increasing popularity right now! And have I told you that I am now officially in love with The Cab's bassist, Joey Thunder? We had so much in head banging incessantly. No, not that I just love his bassist feel. :D I guess I want to know more about them. The Cab sang 4 songs and after that a long dull moment occurred, we're not sure if that's normal or if a technical problem happened, or maybe Adam dropped by the Taco Bell across the dome or something like that, but I wished they played the overexposed album rather than playing random songs. After like 30 minutes a ringing sound was heard and we all knew that they're on stage! PAYPHONE!! (not my favorite song but the feeling was awesome!) There appeared the sexy Adam Levine along with the rest of Maroon 5! 

 They played all their hit songs even from way back before like Sunday Morning, Won't Go Home Without You, Harder to Breathe, Hands All Over, and Misery (and a lot more). The crowd joined in singing and it was a very amiable atmosphere and Adam looked extremely pleased (and not to mention, sexy with that gray shirt of his) He also sang songs from the Overexposed album and I was over the clouds when they sang Lucky Strike as their third song! Though it was Fortune Teller that is my favorite on this album, Lucky Strike was the second one and hearing it live was a dream come true! Also, realizing that you're not the only one who is overly familiar with the new album feels fluffy and warm. People all sang along with the new songs as well, especially this one. Wipe Your Eyes was performed as well which made me happy as well. The One More Night performance was full of energy and the crowd went wild! During the entire concert, our Mr-I-Can-Do-Everything would pick up his guitar from time to time and show his ultra amazing skills. But at one point, Oh have I mentioned that I definitely LOVE James Valentine right now? James Valentine took control of the microphone with Adam on the drums (Mr-Do-It-All) singing..I'm not sure but I think it was Don't You Want Me (please correct me if it's wrong)


The Miss-Forever-Weird here noticed something nonsense though. 
Beautiful, isn't it?

My favorite color on my favorite song, Lucky Strike

Galaxy feel~ <3

The encore was probably the best part. Stereo Hearts was performed and Daylight was delicately and whole-heartily sang by Adam who almost, actually moved me to tears. But that was not the tear jerking moment for all, it was the performance of the ever so wonderful song, She Will Be Loved. From the moment Adam said that the next song was dedicated for the ladies present and addressed the gentlemen to do what is right to do. The whole crowd joined in the singing and looking around I saw couples hugging each other. Thinking back, that song left a very big impression in my life. Giving me the right push and amount of self-confidence and the opportunity to dream of a guy who will love me right..but skipping that melodrama, Putting MOVES LIKE JAGGER as the last song was the right move! With that snippets of Sexy Back and the sweaty Adam Levine. (Whom, we officially named as the only person who could sweat sexily) 

Not that I could actually forget Adam's face..and body that night, but when 11:11 struck I fervently wished to keep this wonderful memory of that night in my mind for an extended period of time.

Special Thanks to my classmate, Patrick for the binoculars! Great help in looking for Adam's sweat and veins..and muscles :D

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Uniqlo Philippines

I don't wake up early on a normal Saturday but today is not a normal one so I woke up early (early meaning around 8 or so) and begged my mom to accompany me to SM Mall of Asia where the very first Uniqlo branch in the Philippines opened yesterday, June 15, 2012. I have always been a fan of the brand since I love their UT shirts. So yeah, when we arrived there the line was already so long!

We waited for like an hour before we can enter the store itself but I wasn't particularly bored because I was entertaining myself with the flashes of pictures of my girl crush, Kuroki Meisa!

I just love her here!

Apologies for the photo quality, but she is really beautiful here.

When we entered the store, I forgot to take pictures because I was so immersed in looking, fitting, and grabbing things that I want. I was so happy that the shirt that I was planning to but was there! The blue shirt with the lyrics of The Beatles' Yellow Submarine. I ended up buying 2 UT shirts and a polo shirt and a black cargo pants. My mom spent like **,***.** in just a go! The clothes are very comfortable to wear and you can select a lot from hundreds of choices! It is also for the whole family!

I have 10 paper bags and 5 tote bags from Uniqlo today! :D

Friday, June 8, 2012

Arashi - Your Eyes

I've only seen the PV once (since I don't have much time with all the school works and blah) but I must say that it's not undesirable or whatsoever--and it's not that 'likable' as well. Another no-effort PV from Johhny-san. But still my boys are great! Aiba really stood out! (which is the best thing since this was the song used for his drama series) I love that pained look he wore while singing and I love his voice as well especially on the last part. Sho's voice seemed to improved a bit, his voice is usually so husky that it doesn't quite suit Arashi's slow songs but his voice feels so mellow here. Ohno is brilliant as usual hitting the high notes and I love the result of his and Aiba's blending voices! Nino, I must say, took my heart away! He had so little screen time but the flashes that he's on spot made my heart flutter. And Jun..yeah, as usual I have nothing to say about him -___- XD

The song was from the guy's point of view about the girl he likes that is hurting so much from a painful past and he sees through her eyes the sadness she carries and the kindness hidden behind it as well. He promised to always be by her side and never leave her and encourage her to start a new life.

Radio Rip of Your Eyes:

Credits: Picture and DL Link totally NOT MINE!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

To The Limit

KAT-TUN will be releasing a new single entitled, To The Limit on June 27. I was hoping that this would be different, I mean KT is always releasing singles here and there but I don't see their songs now as good as it were before. (with the exception of Run For You) It felt normal that I can actually mind not to download the song because I'm thinking that I wouldn't miss much, but still I listened to it everytime they released a new song, always hoping that it would be different. By different I mean the type of song that would be stuck on my head for a long, long time. Since To The Limit is a rock song (which the rebel part of me not-so-secretly likes) I wanted this to be extraordinary!

Sophie Newman: The Mistress of Wisdom

This is nothing of importance, I was just fascinated by how Michael Scott made this girl. Sophia in the greeks means wisdom. And Sophie on the first book, accepted the Witch of Endor's memories and made her very wise and throughout the series that vast knowledge helped them escape lots of problems and revealed lots of secrets. Sophie was always the rational one between the twins, she always reminded Josh about things that usually led to their arguments  But really, I'm sure josh would be led astray without the girl's unending blabber and rants (a very good example is the incident with the Archon, Coatlique).

On the later part of The Enchantress. Sophie, together with Virginia saved the humans and led them to other parts of the world and taught them things that they would need to survive.

The Irony of the Life That John Dee Lived

Humani. The word never meant that much to me before. It was an ancient name for us, humans that's all--or so I thought. But for the Dark Elders and the likes of John Dee, they used the word as a form of insult for the short-lived, powerless, and simple-minded humans like us.

John Dee was known as the royal advisor for the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth I and gained popularity when together, they defeated the Spanish Armada. That was the first ever role that made this man experience that he is above any ordinary man, that he can do extraordinary things. Throughout the series, Dee served his unknown masters on the surface and ruthlessly destroyed places and killed humans, but despite that outward appearance we can always get a glimpse of small emotions, admiration (especially towards Josh) and a little bit of his previous memories that made me decide that John Dee is not that bad at all. (He did a lot of unforgivable things though.)

Towards the end of the series though, when Dee's masters did the unthinkable--and removed the immortality of the man and made him an ancient helpless poor soul and left him to die, Josh, as always the kind-hearted one left his coat to keep the old man from the cold and Dee left him his dying advice--to follow his heart. That statement led Josh to the right decision in the end. One good point of kindness for our old man!

The second good point is his effort to catch up to the quite emotional Miss Dare who is busy using their arguments as an act to catch the attention of the people. Dee tried to understand Virginia for the last time, realizing that after so many years of being together, he knew nothing about the woman at all. The ice cream conversation was cute, by the way.

Third point is his effort to use the word Humans instead of  Humani. It showed that the ruthless and immortal Dee was gone and he again, a human tried to repent for what he did and did his best to be useful just for the last time.

Fourth. The smarty pants. He went back to his role of being an advisor to the queen (saying that Virginia would be considered as a queen by those people). He laid out an elaborate plan to Virginia that saved thousands of humans and helped saved the sun god, Aten.

Fifth and the most important good point. He gave up his life to save the humans! All hail John Dee! Together with Virginia Dare (whose role is to be the leader and figure of the humans) they built a shield to protect the humans from the arrows by using the wind (Miss Dare is the mistress of air, after all) to stop the arrows from hitting the people and by turning it on the opposite direction and killed the army. Knowing that this would be the cause of his death, he willingly gave up his aura up to the last drop leaving just a tiny bit to say his farewell to Virginia and Scathach.

It is the greediness that accompanied every immortal that made Dee a ruthless killer and destroyer. He was blinded by his desire to rule over everything. He was fascinated by what his powers can do. (every immortal from the series are like that, in one way or another) But without his immortality, Dee went back to being a human, and along with it, showed us a better part of him.

MIIIB-Brothers, Patrners, Comrades, Friends

The third installment of the famous Men in Black felt a little bit different than usual and extremely wonderful for me. I did not particularly paid the aliens that much attention because I was fascinated by J and K's interaction. The shop owner said to J that if he was willing to go back in time to save K then K must be a very important person to him. I just loved how J treated K and how he's emotional and all. J went all panic-ky and depressed when K disappeared and the conflicting emotions he showed revealed how much he hold his partner in his life. They have been together for so long now after all that it hurts him that he knew so little about his partner.

K, on the other hand, seems like he wanted to actually open up to his partner, it's just like he couldn't. When his past was revealed I understood him better and his reasons for not opening up to J.

After all, the fear of losing someone who has grown extremely close to you feels like shit.

P.S. The ending was so fluffy and light. XD