Tuesday, May 14, 2013

1. Write a short autobiography

Well, I've planned lots of summer projects as a remedy to my tendency to laze all throughout summer but as well..my grandmother had been sick and had passed away, I haven't done much other that staying with her throughout her struggle which I would still gladly do if she's still with us. I just hope she's happy now in heaven.

So instead of lazing around and doing nothing with my life, I will try to accomplish some projects with the little time left of my summer vacation.

1. Write a short autobiography

I used to think that I have some sort of summer curse wherein injuries seem to find their way to me amidst the heat of the scorching sun back in the hometown where I grew up in. Way back when I was a toddler, they said, I stepped on  burning bush and as proof I've got this tiny brown scar on my right ankle. When I heard that, I shrugged and maybe thanked god that I could not remember what sort of agony am I in that time. The next summer after that I heard, I nearly choke while eating and my grandfather literally pushed his fingers down my throat. Then there's the snake incident, the dog bite incident, the car accident, the 'almost' car accident then the huge tree branch that fell due to a lightning a few inches away from me when I was out playing in the rain which left me still shivering whenever I hear thunders. The next thing I remember is the bike accident that left me in a now faint and barely visible scar on the bridge of my nose.

As I grew older though, I started thinking that the summer curse has grown bored of my physical pains and shifted to somewhere more fragile and intolerant of pain than the physique. This is the second summer wherein I found myself in a very depressing and self-loathing mood and I'm starting to get tired of it, really. And this year my grandmother died and left me with a broken heart. I was actually pretty normal as a girl in all those possible 'girlish' aspects but what earns me some sort of incredulous looks, I believe is how I spend my time.  I think I was even more sociable way back in 2nd grade than I am right now. Although I have dozens of friends and I'm usually updated with their problems and lives, (usually leaving me with no time for my own problems) I still made it a point that nothing much from or about me is spilled out. Not from the lack of trust or anything, I just like keeping to myself. I'm not the type to get comforted by letting out a problem to a friend, I don't know why but as I grew older I prefer the silence of an empty house of the serenity of the night leaving me up late most of the nights preferably in the company of a good book. 

On the 12th year of my life here on earth, I first fell in love with a very close friend..well I don't remember much anyways.

On the 13th, I've met again the guy who will become my best friend through out my high school years.

On the 14th year, I've made lots of discoveries. ;) I've learned that I like waaay too many genre of songs and I don't even care if it's on a completely foreign language or not. I've learned about the wonderful world of anime and writing, and I've met the girl who will become another good and lovely best friend who's been stuck with me till now.

On th 15th, I've discovered the wonderful world of yaoi and the passion and realism of love that came with it.

On the 16th, I became scared of the sensation of falling (not like falling in love, doofs.) as in literally falling because of another car accident.

On the 17th, I fell in love with hardcore and philosophical literatures of Milan kundera and Haruki Murakami.

On the 18th, I've learned that half of the words I say have sexual innuendos on it, and no, I'm not sexually frustrated or anything... And I learned how painful it is to lose someone forever.

The years before those are like a blur to me and the only things I remember were: the ulcer I've got in 1st grade, mom leaving for overseas work, the three lovely sisters in the neighborhood, my lovely books, and my classmates who are scared and intimidated at me at the same time, and of course my fear of snakes.

And currently, I have this feeling that I'm a really bad fangirl, because I have so many fandoms I don't think my heart can still take it anymore.

Girlfriend extraordinaire of the High Warlock of Brooklyn, the Magnificent Magnus Bane, alumnus of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and wizardry, resident of 221B baker Street, Loves Blue Telephone Boxes. Parabatai. Will be travelling solo in a few years from now then will settle in Japan and study in Keio University or prolly work in NHK and marry Ninomiya Kazunari if Ohno would let me or at least that's what I see in my dreams.

Okay, those are rubbish.
Here's a little serious me:

Name's Kathleen. 18. Journalism student of the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Youngest of three. Mom's cooking is nice. Dad's laptop is almost mine. Ambivert. I have different sets of friends for my different sets of personalities, so many they couldn't really understand each other.


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